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don’t try to change human nature
别以为自己可以改变每个人性  detail>>
human and nature
人与自然  detail>>
human nature
人的本性,人性 人的本质 人的天性 人类本性 人与自然  detail>>
on human nature
论人性 人性  detail>>
they said that human nature is nature
人类的性 是天性  detail>>
a change in nature
性质的变化  detail>>
change nature
改造自然  detail>>
don’t try to find me
请不要试图寻找我 ,  detail>>
i would try to change
我将会去尽力改变  detail>>
a treatise of human nature
论人性 人性论  detail>>
against human nature
悖情  detail>>
assumption about human nature
人性假设  detail>>
doctrine of evil human nature
性恶论  detail>>
doctrine of good human nature
性善论  detail>>
dualistic theory of human nature
性二元论  detail>>
flesh sinful human nature
属肉体的有罪的人性  detail>>
frail human nature
易堕落的人性  detail>>
human and nature coexist harmoniously
人与自然和谐共处  detail>>